The Night Elf world
The great tree of Aldrassil in Shadowglen is the place where Night Elves are first introduced to their class trainers, a top the great tree lives Tenaron Stormgrip who is the the leader of Shadowglen. South West of Aldrassil lies the town Dolanaar, where travelers from all over Teldrassil come to take a rest from their journeys. Spread out over Teldrassil are 5 Moonwells, located in various places such as Shadowglen, Starbreeze Village, Dolanaar, Pools of Arlithrien & the Oracle Glade. Moonwells harnest energy that flows straight from the Natural World, Night Elves use this druidic energy to shape the trees and make friends with the plants and animals around them.
High on top the massive tree Teldrassil is the newly built capital of the Night Elves, Darnassus is created by druids loyal to Fandral Staghelm and the city is in tune with the flow of nature. The falling leaves of the forest carpet the soft pathways of the city, the delicate tended groves are the location of wood-crafted lodges home to the Night Elves. From within the top of the Cenarion Enclave, Arch-Druid Fandral Staghelm leads the Night Elves into conquest. The Temple of the Moon rises like a shining beacon above the trees, flanked by the colonnaded Hall of Justice, where the brave Sentinels gather to protect the land.
Nighthaven once used to be the capital of the Night Elves, until it was left for their newly build city after Teldrassil was grown. When Darnassus was created, Nighthaven was claimed by the druids of Cenarius and Moonglade became their secluded sanctuary. Remulos Keeper of the Grove watches over Moonglade with tranquility at the shores of Lake Elune'ara, Legends speak of an ancient beast which sleeps within the deep waters of the lake. Druids slumber into meditation deep within the Stormrage Barrow Dens, sending their minds into the mystical Emerald Dream.
Auberdine is the major harbor city of Darkshore, it has boat routes connected to Teldrassil and of course Eastern Kingdoms. The ruins of Ameth'Aran are located deep within the forests, haunted by corrupted Highborne souls who dwell lost and forgotten. Bashal'Aran ruins are overrun by satyr and gremlins, various sicknesses plague the beasts that roam the land, making them hostile and lethal. The Master's Glaive is located in the most southwestern part of Darkshore, a huge blade is driven into a massive skull, ostensibly that of an Old God.
Tended for thousands of years by the Night Elves, Ashenvale is an expansive forest of magical beauty, giant trees cover much of the top of the woods. Ashenvale once represented all forestlands surrounding Hyjal, but the northwest portion was corrupted by a darker taint and later became known as Felwood. Night Elves sought to keep the land free of its corruption, but the relentless Satyrs invaded the forests and established settlements, proven hard to shake loose. Long ago, Blackfathom Depths was a great Temple to Elune, glorious and beautiful, after the great sundering the temple became submerged beneath the Zoram Strand. Legends hold that the beast Aku'mai dwells within the Deeps, a servant of the Old Gods.
Stonetalon Mountain:
South of Astranaar is a cave called Talondeep Path, this cave leads towards Stonetalon Mountains, in the northwest is an Elven village called Stonetalon peak. Windshear Crag once used to be a lush forest, until the Venture Trading Company deforested much of the region, the area is now swarming with mercenaries. Lake Mirkfallon is a misty lake home to fire elementals and wyverns, to the southern most point of the Charred Vale you will find the entrance towards Desolace.
Desolace is a barren wasteland, wild animals travel many miles to cast their last breath in this landscape littered with bones. Two large burial grounds are located within Desolace, in the center is the Kodo Graveyard and to the south is the Valley of Bones. Four centaur clans wage a war for control over these lands, the Gelkis, Magram, Kolkar, and Maraudine fight for supremacy of the region. The shadow worshipping Mannoroc Coven call this place their home, as do an orcish faction who have fallen under their control in Thunderaxe Fortress. A few enterprising Goblins from Ratchet and Gadgetzan can be found in Desolace trying to earn a living.
West of the mainland is Sardor Isle where Feathermoon Stronghold is located, a Night Elf bastion led by General Shandris Feathermoon. Shandris Feathermoon, along with Tyrande Whisperwind and other Sentinels, spent her life protecting the forests of Kalimdor from intruders and defilers. Scattered across the green verdants of Feralas are ruins of many Elven cities, Eldre'Thalas being the most prestigious, the history of Oneiros is unknown. The keepers of this knowledge are the ultra-powerful dragonkin, who guard the crumbling towers of Oneiros from unwanted explorers.
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