Lieutenant Commander of the Sentinels
As proud Commander of the Sentinel army I joined forces with the Alliance and waged a war against the Horde, it was at the great battle of Arathi Highlands where I managed to organise a massive Alliance raid and attack Hammerfall outpost. Horde guilds quickly went on the offense and organised a massive counter raid on the surrounding regions of Elwynn forest, it was at the gorge of Redridge Mountains where we once again formed a massive army and stopped the Horde in their tracks.
Alterac valley soon after became my battleground for utterly conquest, even with defeat close at hand we still managed to fight back hard and drive the Horde all the way back to Frostwolf. It was at Frostwolf keep where we drove Drek'thar and his followers with their backs against the wall many times, how mortefying for them but when dealing with the Frostwolf clan it is better to show no mercy. At the peak of my cunning I arranged a trial for Night Elves druids which was won by a valiant druid called Taliesan, how fortunate for him I had the honor of taking the title for him.
~ Gurth gothrim Tel'Quessir ~
Allow me to post my old stats.
If the War rider wouldn't have thrown me off the bridge I would have had a KDR of 10, it really upset me back then. Good old Mike is at 5.6 KDR and me 8.75, give me back my 1.25 KDR;
(Link not good, stretch out pop-up window)
Here is proof I knocked out Drek'thar with Feral Charge, he even resisted my stun;
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